My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Soul Surfer is an inspiring story about not giving up. After losing her arm in a shark attack, fourteen year-old Bethany Hamilton returns to her beloved sport of surfing. This novel was written shortly after the accident and primarily focuses on Bethany's faith and her love of surfing. During the attack Bethany stays remarkably calm while her friends get her to shore and later to the hospital. In the book Bethany shares her love of surfing, her love of family, and her strong faith in God.
Soul Surfer has just recently been made into a movie, and I admit that I was curious about the book. The hold list for this title at our library is getting longer by the day as more and more people want to read it. It is a surprisingly quick read. I was able to finish this book in one day. The book is touching and at times heart-wrenching. I kept thinking about what her family was going through as they rushed to the hospital not knowing how Bethany was doing.
My only comment on the book is that there wasn't a lot of meat to the story. Many themes are repeated over and over, especially her faith in God. There weren't a lot of details about her recovery--it seemed kind of brief, and perhaps that is because the book was written so soon after the accident. She was still recovering from the injury. I think this might have been better if she had waited a few years to write it.
Overall this is an inspirational book written by a talented and inspiring teen. I would recommend it to those who are interested in seeing the movie and those who love biographies and inspiring stories.
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Here is the movie trailer:
i really love this story.