Where She Went takes place three years after the deadly accident that took the lives of Mia's family.
For those of you that haven't read If I Stay, find out more in our review below.
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
On a snowy day in Oregon, Mia and her family go on a drive that ends in heartache. She finds herself thrown out of her body as a result of an horrific car accident and left with the choice to live with a loss that will change her life forever or to die.
If I Stay is an emotional roller coaster. One minute you are smiling and laughing, loving the main character, Mia and her family, and the next you are crying because of all she has lost. Mia’s family and friends are touchingly and memorably portrayed. The story smoothly transitions between where Mia is now, and her touching memories of her family and friends. The characters are well rounded and real and love between them and the difficulty of the decisions they make are palpable.
This book made me both laugh and cry. It gave be a better appreciation for a good tearjerker. As I read the book it made me think about my family and what is important to me, and how I would feel if I were in Mia’s position. While I won’t go out of my way to find tearjerkers from now on, I must say I was really impressed with this book.
A must read for those who like tearjerkers!
Cautions for sensitive readers: A situation with sexual references and mild language. There are some graphic depictions of the car accident that may disturb some readers, but once past that part, the book is pretty tame.
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